General meetings are held on the first Monday of February, April, June, August, and October, with guest speakers at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden’s Garden House, starting at 7:00 pm. Use the South Entrance and walk through the stone & iron gate.
SFPS meets on the first Monday of every even-numbered month.
Please sign up to our e-mail for updates and news.
The SFPS generally plans garden tours in the spring & fall. These events range from nurseries specializing in palms, to private residences, and other locations of interest to palm enthusiasts.
SFPS’s (5) bimonthly meetings are open to non-members. The SFPS holiday in December is free to members, and guests may attend for $10. The party has traditionally featured a pot luck dinner, live auction, and silent auction.
Palm shows / sales are also coordinated along with traditional aspects of the Society. Thanks for your support, you mail sign up for the SFPS e-mail list at the bottom of this page, or via this link.