SFPS Palm Show & Sale

39th Fall Show & Sale of the South Florida Palm Society

November 4-5 2023 (10AM – 5PM)

@ Fairchild Garden (FTBG)

If you are interested in being a VENDOR or VOLUNTEER please let the SFPS Event Committee know!


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SFPS 2023 Palm Show & Sale
November 4 – 5 @ Fairchild Garden

The Palm Report, November 2023 Issue – DOWNLOAD

The 39th Fall Show & Sale of the South Florida Palm Society is almost upon us. Be sure to carve out time on the weekend of November 4-5 to attend this long-running event. Growers with years of experience will be offering hundreds of species of palms and an excellent selection of cycads.

One of the popular features of the sale is the distribution of free palm seeds. They’re harvested shortly before the weekend and made available while quantities last. Among the species offered this year will be Coccothrinax readii, Acrocomia crispa, Carpoxylon macrospermum, and, for the first time, Allagoptera caudescens and even small quantities of Orania palindan.

We’re also pleased to announce the full list of seeds that the SFPS will be giving away at the Show & Sale. They will be distributed — while quantities last — at the information/membership table at the east end of the Palmetum.

Acrocomia crispa

Allagoptera caudescens

Astrocaryum alatum (new to our distribution)

Borassus aethiopum

Carpentaria acuminata

Carpoxylon macrospermum

Chuniophoenix chuco (new to our distribution)

Coccothrinax argentata

Coccothrinax crinita

Coccothrinax readii

Dictyosperma album

Gaussia gomez-pompae

Heterospathe microspadix (new to our distribution)

Hyphaene dichotoma

Licuala grandis

Licuala sp. (new to our distribution)

Orania palindan (new to our distribution)

Ptychosperma salomonense

Ptychosperma sp.

Saribus rotundifolius

Schippia concolor

Syagrus schizophylla

Syagrus sp.

Syagrus x costae

Veitchia arecina

The sale is at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm both days. We look forward to seeing you there! Tickets are available and can be purchased at the Fairchild website.



November 4-5, 2023

1 David Lord
2 Clay Porch
7 Jeffrey DeMott
8 Delores Harshaw
10 South Florida Palm Society (SFPS)
31 Albert Livingston
57 Jeff Searle
66 Ronnie Croci, Jr.
68 Ellis Brown
70 Michael Street
91 Jody Haynes

Acrocomia crispa 2,7 Dypsis confusa 68 Bowenia spectabilis 91
Actinokentia divaricata 2 Dypsis forficifolia 57
Actinorhytis calapparia 7 Dypsis minuta 68 Ceratozamia chamberlainii 5
Adonidia merrillii 31 Dypsis mirabilis ‘Entire Leaf’ 68 Ceratozamia hildae 5,91
Adonidia merrillii ‘Variegated’ 57 Dypsis rivularis 57 Ceratozamia kuesteriana 66
Aiphanes aculeata 7,91 Dypsis rosea 2,57 Ceratozamia mexicana 5
Allogoptera arenaria 2 Dypsis utilis 68 Ceratozamia miqueliana ‘Lake Form’ 91
Allogoptera brevicalyx 2 Dypsis sp. Maroantsetra’ 2 Ceratozamia osbornei Belize “robusta” 91
Archontophoenix myolensis 7 Gaussia attenuata 2 Ceratozamia robusta ‘Guatemala’ 5
Archontophoenix purpurea 2,7,57,68 Gaussia maya 2 Cycas cairnsiana 5,91
Archontophoenix tuckeri 2 Gaussia princeps 7 Cycas clivicola 5
Archrontophoenix purpurea 1 Geonoma atrovirens 68 Cycas cupida 91
Areca catechu 2,57 Geonoma schottiana 57 Cycas debaoensis 91
Areca catechu ‘Alba’ 68 Geonoma triglochin 68 Cycas maconochiei subsp. lanata 5
Areca catechu ‘Dwarf’ 57,66,68 Hemithrinax ekmaniana 2,66,68 Cycas rumphii 5
Areca catechu ‘Semi dwarf’ 57 Hemithrinax rivularis 2
Areca ipot 57 Heterospathe cagayanensis 1,57 Dioon angustifolium 91
Areca laosensis 68 Heterospathe fernandoi 68 Dioon argenteum 91
Areca macrocalyx ‘Red’ 68 Heterospathe minor 7 Dioon califanoi 5,7,66
Areca mandacanii 68 Howea forsteriana 66 Dioon caputoi 91
Areca novohibernica 68 Hydriastele beguinii 66 Dioon edule 5,7,31,91
Areca tunku 68 Hydriastele beguinii ‘Obi Island’ 2,57 Dioon mejiae 5,66
Areca vestiaria 57,68 Hydriastele costata 2 Dioon merolae 66,91
Areca vestiaria ‘Red Form’ 2,57,68 Hydriastele pinangoides 2,57 Dioon purpusii 5,66,91
Arenga engleri 7 Hyophorbe indica ‘Red Form’ 2 Dioon rzedowskii 66,91
Arenga hookeriana 7,57 Hyophorbe lagenicaulis 31 Dioon sonorense 91
Asterogyne martiana 1 Hyphaene thebaica 7 Dioon spinulosum 2,6,7,31,91
Attalea butyracea 2 Hyphaene sp. 2 Dioon tomasellii 91
Attalea cohune 66 Iguanura tenuis 57
Attalea crassispatha 66 Iriartea deltoidea 7,68 Encephalartos aemulans x woodii 91
Balaka seemannii 57 Itaya amicorum 2,57 Encephalartos altensteinii 91
Beccariophoenix alfredii 2,57,68 Johannesteijsmannia altifrons 1,2,57 Encephalartos arenarius 2,5
Beccariophoenix fenestralis 2,57 Johannesteijsmannia magnifica 2 Encephalartos arenarius ‘Blue’ 91
Bentinckia nicobarica 7 Kentiopsis oliviformis 57,66 Encephalartos cerinus 68,91
Bismarckia nobilis 7 Kentiopsis piersoniorum 57 Encephalartos cupidus 91
Bismarckia nobilis ‘Silver’ 66 Kentiopsis pyriformis 2,57 Encephalartos dyerianus 91
Borassus aethiopum 2,66,91 Kerriodoxa elegans 2,66 Encephalartos ferox 2,66,91
Borrassodendron machadonis 68 Lanonia calciphylla 57 Encephalartos ferox ‘Curly Leaf Form’ 91
Brassiophoenix drymophloeoides 2,57 Lanonia dasyantha 2,68 Encephalartos gratus 66
Burretiokentia hapala 2,57 Lantania lontaroides 31 Encephalartos hildebrandtii 2,66,91
Burretiokentia koghiensis 2 Latania loddigesii 2 Encephalartos horridus 66
Burretiokentia vieillardii 2 Leucothrinax morrisii 2,66 Encephalartos horridus ‘Dwarf Form’ 91
Calyptrocalyx albertisianus 2,57 Licuala ahlidurii 68 Encephalartos ituriensis 91
Calyptrocalyx forbesii 57 Licuala aurantiaca 7 Encephalartos laurentianus 5,91
Calyptrocalyx hollrungii 2,57 Licuala bayana 57 Encephalartos lebomboensis 2
Calyptrocalyx micholitzii 57 Licuala cordata ‘Kalimantan’ 68 Encephalartos lehmannii 2,66,68
Calyptrocalyx pachystachys ‘Mottled’ 57 Licuala grandis 2,57,66 Encephalartos longifolius 91
Calyptrocalyx polyphyllus 2,57 Licuala honheoensis 57 Encephalartos longifolius ‘Blue’ 91
Calyptrocalyx sp. ‘Boalak’ 2,57 Licuala khoonmengii 57 Encephalartos msinganus 91
Calyptrocalyx sp. ‘Sunumb’ 68 Licuala lauterbachii 7 Encephalartos munchii 91
Calyptrocalyx sp. ‘Yamutumene’ 57 Licuala maculata 68 Encephalartos natalensis 5
Calyptronoma plumeriana 68 Licuala mattanensis ‘Mapu’ 68 Encephalartos nubimontanus 68,91
Carpoxylon macrospermum 1,2,7,57,66 Licuala montana 57 Encephalartos paucidentatus 91
Caryota monostachya 57 Licuala naumannii 57 Encephalartos sclavoi 5,91
Caryota no 57 Licuala peekelii 57 Encephalartos trispinosus 2
Caryota urens 7 Licuala pelata ‘Sumawongii’ 1,2,7,57
Chamaedorea oblongata 66 Licuala peltata 2,57 Macrozamia communis 91
Chamaedorea ernesti-augustii 7,57 Licuala ramsayi 7 Macrozamia moorei ‘Blue’ 91
Chamaedorea geonomiformis 68 Licuala spinosa 7
Chamaedorea metallica 7 Licuala terengganuensis 1 Zamia cremnophila 91
Chamaedorea oblongata 7,66,57 Licuala sp. ‘Kalimantan’ 68 Zamia furfuracea 2
Chamaedorea tenella 68 Licuala sp. ‘Yal Braal’ 57 Zamia hamannii 91
Chamaedorea tepejilote 7 Livistona decora 2 Zamia inermis 2,5,91
Chamaedorea woodsoniana 7 Livistona mariae 2 Zamia integrifolia 31
Chamaerops humilis ‘Vulcano’ 7 Loxococcus rupicola 2 Zamia nesophila 66
Chamaesorea hooperiana 57 Marojejya darianii 57 Zamia pseudoparasitica 68
Chambeyronia houailou 2,57 Mauritia flexuosa 2 Zamia pumila 2,66
Chambeyronia macrocarpa ‘Hookeri’ 2,7,31,57,66,68 Mauritiella armata 57 Zamia purpurea 66
Chrysalidocarpus albofarinosus 2,57 Neoveitchia storckii 2,66 Zamia pygmaea 5
Chrysalidocarpus basilongus 2 Orania palindan 57 Zamia soconuscensis 5
Chrysalidocarpus cabadae 31,66 Orania ravaka 57 Zamia spartea 66
Chrysalidocarpus heteromorphus 2 Orania trispatha 2,57 Zamia splendens 5,66
Chrysalidocarpus hovomantsina 2 Orania sp. 7 Zamia standleyi 91
Chrysalidocarpus lanceolata 7,66 Pelagodoxa mesocarpa 2 Zamia tuerckheimii 5,66
Chrysalidocarpus lastelliana 2,66 Phoenicophorium borsigianum 2,7,57,68 Zamia variegata 2,66
Chrysalidocarpus leptocheilos 2,66 Phoenix canariensis 2 Zamia vazquezii 66
Chrysalidocarpus lutescens ‘Dwarf’ 57 Phoenix iberica 2 Zamia sp. ‘New Providence’ 5
Chrysalidocarpus mijoroanus 68 Phoenix rupicola 2
Chrysalidocarpus pembana 7,66 Pinanga coronata 57
Chrysalidocarpus pilulifer 2,57 Pinanga heterophylla 68
Chrysalidocarpus prestonianus 57 Pinanga philippinensis 2
Chrysalidocarpus saintelucei 2 Pinanga speciosa 2
Chrysalidocarpus sp. ‘Lafazamanga’ 68 Pinanga veitchii 68
Chrysalidocarpus sp. ‘Dark Mealy Bug’ 2 Pinanga sp. ‘Blue Seed’ 68
Chrysalidocarpus sp. ‘Orange Crush’ 2 Pinanga sp. ‘Maroon Crownshaft’ 2,68
Chuniophoenix hainanensis 2 Pinanga sp. ‘Thai Mottled’ 2,57
Clinostigma harlandii 2 Pinanga sp. ‘Yellow Crownshaft’ 2,68
Clinostigma savoryanum 2 Pritchardia forbesiana 68
Coccothrinax argentata 2,66 Pritchardia hillebrandii 2
Coccothrinax borhidiana 2,66 Pritchardia pacifica 2,7,66
Coccothrinax camagueyana 2 Pritchardia thurstonii 7
Coccothrinax crinita 2,5,7,66,70 Pseudophoenix ekmanii 66,70
Coccothrinax garciana 70 Pseudophoenix lediniana 2,68
Coccothrinax hiorami 7 Pseudophoenix sargentii 7,66,70
Coccothrinax macroglossa 70 Pseudophoenix vinifera 7,66
Coccothrinax macroglossa Azul’ 2,66 Ptychosperma lineare 7
Coccothrinax miraguama 7,31,66 Ptychosperma schefferi 31,66
Coccothrinax montana 68 Ptychosperma waitianum 57
Coccothrinax salvatoris 2 Ptychosperma sp. ‘Woto Boho’ 1
Coccothrinax viridescens 70 Raphia australis 2
Cocos nucifera 5 Raphia farinifera 2
Cocos nucifera ‘Fiji Dwarf’ 2,66 Ravenea glauca 2
Cocos nucifera ‘Red Spicata’ 66 Ravenea hildebrandtii 2
Copernica ekmanii 66 Reinhardtia latisecta ‘Compacta’ 2
Copernicia baileyana 2,31,66,70 Rhapis excelsa 7,31,57
Copernicia baileyana ‘Blue’ 70 Rhapis excelsa ‘Big Redland’ 7
Copernicia cowellii 2 Rhapis excelsa ‘Koban’ 7
Copernicia curtissii ‘Isla de Pinos’ 2 Rhapis excelsa ‘Super Dwarf’ 57
Copernicia curtissii ‘Pinar del Rio’ 2 Rhapis excelsa ‘Variegated’ 66
Copernicia fallaensis 66,70 Rhapis multifida 57
Copernicia gigas 2 Rhapis sp. ‘Super Dwarf’ 7
Copernicia hospita 2 Roscheria melanochaetes 68
Copernicia hospita ‘Silver’ 66 Sabal minor 2,7
Copernicia macroglossa 2,7,66,91 Sabinaria magnifica 2,57,68
Copernicia rigida 2,66 Salacca zalacca 2
Copernicia x textilis ‘Blue’ 2 Satakentia liukiuensis 2,57,66,68
Corypha umbraculifera 2,68 Serenoa repens 31
Cyphophoenix alba 2 Serenoa repens ‘Silver’ 66
Cyphophoenix elegans 2,66 Socratea salazarii 68
Cyphophoenix nucele 2,57,66 Sommieria leucophylla 1
Cyrtostachys renda 1,7,57,66,68 Syagrus kellyana 2
Cyrtostachys renda ‘Apple’ 57 Syagrus picrophylla 68
Cyrtostachys renda ‘Hybrid’ 57 Syagrus sancona 2
Cyrtostachys renda ‘Variegated’ 68 Thrinax parviflora 66,70
Dictyosperma album 7 Thrinax radiata 2,31
Dictyosperma album var. ‘conjugatum’ 2 Verschaffeltia splendida 2,7,57,68
Wallaceodoxa raja-ampat 57
Wodyetia bifuracata 2,31
Wodyetia x Veitchia 70
Zombia antillarum 2,7,66,70



The South Florida Palm Society (SFPS) is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to disseminate information about and encourage interest in palms. The South Florida Palm Society uses its funds to help support local botanical gardens, individual scientific research expeditions or projects, conservation, planting projects and educational efforts. The horticultural society was reincorporated in 1982, but dates back to 1955.

General meetings are held on the first Monday of February, April, June, August, and October, with guest speakers at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden’s Garden House, doors at 7:00 pm, business & speaker by 7:30 pm. Use the South Entrance and walk through the stone & iron gate. Have a speaker suggestion for the Society? If so, please contact us

SFPS meets on the first Monday of every even-numbered month.

Please sign up to our e-mail for updates and news.

The SFPS generally plans garden tours in the spring & fall. These events range from nurseries specializing in palms, to private residences, and other locations of interest to palm enthusiasts. 

SFPS’s (5) bimonthly meetings are open to non-members. The SFPS holiday in December is free to members, and guests may attend for $10. The party has traditionally featured a pot luck dinner, live auction, and silent auction.

Palm shows / sales are also coordinated along with traditional aspects of the Society. Thanks for your support, you mail sign up for the SFPS e-mail list at the bottom of this page, or via this link.

South Florida Palm Society (SFPS) E-mail list

* indicates required

SFPS Fall Show and Sale, 2024


In 2022 the International Palm Society (IPS) celebrated its 67th anniversary. It is now a far-flung organization, with affiliate societies active around the world, but it was founded here in Florida. Dent Smith, an oil field worker turned investment house wizard, retired young to Daytona Beach, Florida, where, single-handedly, he created The Palm Society as a conduit for sharing his obsession with the stately plants.

From its beginning in 1955, the Palm Society has had strong links to Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden. Among its first directors was Mrs. Marian Fairchild, widow of Dr. David Fairchild, the Garden’s namesake.

Another of the Palm Society’s early members, Lucita Wait, was longtime coeditor of the Fairchild Garden Bulletin alongside some notable writers such as Marjory Stoneman Douglas. Of the first 10 founding members of the Palm Society, the last one surviving was Stanley Kiem (1929-2020), who for many years was superintendent of the Garden. Not surprisingly, over time many palm enthusiasts have belonged to both the Society and the Garden.

A movie theater parking lot was the site of the initial Palm Society sale in Miami in the mid-1970s. As interest in palms burgeoned, a better sale venue was warranted. Accordingly, in 1979 Fairchild Tropical Garden hosted the first Fall Show and Sale of the Palm Society, with plants arrayed on tables just outside the Nell Montgomery Garden House. The next year, more space and less sun was needed, and the event’s location within Fairchild Tropical Garden was moved to the Montgomery Palmetum.

South Florida Palm Society (SFPS) E-mail list

* indicates required