SFPS General Meeting OCT. 3, 2022“Moving Large Specimen Palms in South Florida” Jody Haynes

SFPS General Meeting OCT. 3, 2022“Moving Large Specimen Palms in South Florida” Jody Haynes

SFPS General Meeting – October 3, 2022

Jody Haynes 

“Moving Large Specimen Palms in South Florida”

If you would like to join the SFPS please visit our Membership page.

As homeowners in our region are aware, the addition of just a single specimen palm can help transform a bland landscape into a showplace. But we also know — sometimes from painful experience — that not every palm species takes kindly to being moved; the simple yank-and-replant technique just doesn’t work for all of them.

We invite you to attend the October 3, 2022 meeting of the South Florida Palm Society with guest speaker Jody Haynes. For more than 12 years, Jody has been employed as Business Development & Estimating Manager of Signature Trees & Palms. His photos and commentary will demonstrate how the pros do it.

As usual, doors to the Corbin Building at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden open at 7:00 PM. The Society will provide light fare and drinks, but, as always, we urge you to bring one of your favorite potluck dishes — homemade or store-bought — to share with everyone.

Following the program, we will conduct our regular palm auction. We encourage you to donate a few palms — including name tags — toward that effort. Our auctions this year have gotten some very interesting species out into the community, and we hope to continue the trend. Please bring cash or check in case the card reader acts up.

Hope to see you there!

OCTOBER 3rd, 2022, Doors 7:00 PM Meeting @ 7:30 PM

Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden

South Gate, Corbin Building

General meetings are held on the first Monday of February, April, June, August, and October, with guest speakers at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden’s Garden House, doors at 7:00 pm, business & speaker by 7:30 pm. Use the South Entrance and walk through the stone & iron gate. Have a speaker suggestion for the Society? If so, please contact us

SFPS meets on the first Monday of every even-numbered month.

Dates for 2022:

February 7, 2022

April 4, 2022

June 6, 2022

August 1, 2022

October 3, 2022

December 5, 2022

Please sign up to our e-mail for updates and news.

The SFPS generally plans garden tours in the spring & fall. These events range from nurseries specializing in palms, to private residences, and other locations of interest to palm enthusiasts. 

SFPS’s (5) bimonthly meetings are open to non-members. The SFPS holiday in December is free to members, and guests may attend for $10. The party has traditionally featured a pot luck dinner, live auction, and silent auction.

Palm shows / sales are also coordinated along with traditional aspects of the Society. Thanks for your support, you mail sign up for the SFPS e-mail list at the bottom of this page, or via this link.

South Florida Palm Society (SFPS) E-mail list

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