Annual Spring Palm Sale at University of Miami, Coral Gables, March 8 and 9
Saturday: 9:00 to 5:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
WE ARE BACK! And we can’t wait for this sale, because it will be bigger and better than last year. The sale will take place adjacent to the Gifford Arboretum. The selection of palm and cycad will knock your socks off. As our eight local vendors complete their species list, we will post them to this website, most likely around February 28 to March 2. These will be draft lists, but still they will give you a good idea of the amazing selection. We will consolidate all the species lists into a single list of all the palms for sale, around March 3 or 4. So stay tuned!
It is a sale where the rare and very rare palms and cycads are commonplace. Plus the growers will be on hand to share their knowledge of planting and maintaining these rare plants at no charge! And parking is free.
And there is more! We will have a walking tour of the Gifford Arboretum on Saturday afternoon at 2:00 pm and Sunday morning. We will have a Palmetum tour on Sunday afternoon.
The Gifford Arboretum is one of University of Miami’s hidden gem, and in March, the weather is perfect to stroll about or just kick back.
Please come join us.
Have questions? Email us at palms@southfloridapalmsociety.org
How to get there:
The sale area is easy to locate. A large sign marks the entrance to the Gifford Arboretum on San Amaro Dr., five blocks north of the circle at Miller Dr. and one block south of the circle at Campo Sano Ave. Turn into the Arboretum entrance, and then make an immediate left turn into the parking area adjacent to the vendor spaces. Or just type Gifford Arboretum on your GPS device.
Save the Dates:
April 7: Come join us for our General Meeting with our speaker, Chip Jones, who will lead us on his travels through Peru exploring the natural habitat of many palms and other plants. Chip will explain why the Amazon region of Peru is a hot spot for rare tropical plants.
April 12: On our members-only garden tour, we will visit the home of a real palm collector with an exquisite landscape in Cooper City.
Past Events:
Feb 3, 2025, General Meeting, MBC Palm Expedition to Acre, Brazil by Dr. Joanna Tucker LIma, Living Collections Manager and Botanist, Montgomery Botanical Center. See posting.
Regular SFPS Activities
There are typically two garden tours each year, one in the spring and the other in the fall for SFPS members. In 2024, the spring garden tour was on May 11, 2024 and fall tour was on October 12.
Meetings are held on the first Monday of the even-numbered months- February, April, June, August and October in the Corbin building at Fairchild Gardens. Meetings are open to non-members.
The December meeting is the Holiday Party and annual auction. It is open to members only. SFPS member have an opportunity to outbid each other and compete for a prized palm (not necessarily a palm).
You may join the Society by clicking on the link below.
SFPS is always looking for new ways to increase awareness and knowledge of palms in the landscape, botanical gardens and in the wild. We have supported efforts by the Kiem Foundation, Morningside park palmetum and MetroZoo collection of palms.
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