South Florida Palm Society

Hemithrinax ekmaniana (Lollipop Palm)

The next regular meeting of the South Florida Palm Society will be on August 5, 2024 at 7:00 pm in the Corbin Building at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in Coral Gables.

August 5, Daniel A. Tucker,  Doctoral Student and Montgomery Botanical Graduate Fellow, The Search for Sabal miamiensis: New Discoveries Sabal miamiensis (Arecaceae) is a Florida endemic palm species, found exclusively in the Pine Rockland and Pine Scrub habitats of Southeastern Florida and associated pine forests, S. miamiensis is exceedingly rare and was formerly presumed “Extinct in the Wild.”  Previously, it was theorized that there may extant populations left in the last fringes of its potential range.  Using a combination of citizen science, remote sensing, and ground truthing, in conjunction with historical observations, we investigated the historical and current range of this palm species.  The outcome revealed numerous promising discoveries, including an area on the fringes of its range that harbors a thriving, albeit critically endangered population of this remarkable palm species.  This interaction of technology and botany offers a renewed sense of optimism for conservation of  S. miamiensis.

SFPS Fall Show and Sale:  Our Fall Palm Show and Sale at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden is scheduled for November 2-3.  We’re waiting for the Garden to provide a contract.   Our Spring sale offered over 300 species of palms and cycads, and allowed our visitors to get excellent advice from the growers.

Regularly Scheduled Activities

Meetings are held on the first Monday of the even numbered months- Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug and Oct at the Corbin building at Fairchild.

There are typically two garden tours each year, one in the spring and the other in the fall.   The spring garden tour was on May 11, 2024, and the fall tour will be announced later in the year.

In addition,  SFPS  resumed its Spring Show and Sale, which this year took place at University of Miami, in the Gifford Arboretum, Coral Gables on April 27 to 28.   We were very fortunate to have over 300 species of cycads and palms for sale.   Tours were conducted on both days of the sale.   A fall show and sale may also take place if a suitable venue can be found.

Also, a holiday pot luck dinner is held each December, with an extensive plant auction following the dinner.    SFPS member have an opportunity to outbid others in the auction.  It is a great way to celebrate the end of the year, with a new and unusual plant (not necessarily a palm).  Other unusual donations are also put up for auction and we are very grateful for these donations.  

SFPS is always looking for new ways to increase awareness and knowledge of palms in the landscape, botanical gardens and in the wild.  We have supported efforts by the Kiem Foundation, Morningside park palmetum and MetroZoo collection of palms. 

 If you would like to join the SFPS please visit our Membership page.

Any problems or incorrect information on this website, please contact the Webmaster at:

Past Events:


South Florida Palm Society - Show and Sale, April 27-28, 2024

Common, Uncommon and Extremely Rare Palms and Cycads for sale!

The South Florida Palm Society conducted first Spring Show and Sale in eight years at the Gifford Arboretum at the University of Miami. The Palm Report consolidates all growers’ submissions.

The Palm Report


If you would like to join the SFPS please visit our Membership page.

South Florida Palm Society (SFPS) E-mail list

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Hemithrinax ekmaniana inflorescence GOLDSTEIN
Lodoicea maldivica
Copernicia fallaensis & Coccothrinax borhidiana
Palm fan on a fan palm
Copernicia baileyana GOLDSTEIN
SFPS KIEM FOUNDATION relocated palms A
Bismarckia nobilis
Coccothrinax macroglossa
Licuala mattanensis
Cyrtostachys renda, sealing wax
Cyrtostachys renda, sealing wax
