The SFPS meets on the first Monday of every even-numbered month at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in Coral Gables. Admission is free and open to the general public. Our meetings typically include guest speakers, plant auctions and the opportunity to meet with a diverse group of friendly palm enthusiasts. Doors to the Corbin Bldg. will open at 7:00 pm. Light refreshments, water, and soft drinks will be provided. Our program will start at 7:30 and you are encouraged to bring your favorite potluck dish for the food table and any labeled plant donations for the auction table.

SFPS General Meeting Schedule 2024

February 5

April 1

June 3

August 5

October 7

December – Holiday Party & Auction TBA

If you would like to join the SFPS please visit our Membership page.

Attalea phalerata Photo: Joanna M. Tucker Lima, PhD

Please sign up to our e-mail for updates and news.

The SFPS generally plans garden tours in the spring & fall. These events range from nurseries specializing in palms, to private residences, and other locations of interest to palm enthusiasts.

South Florida Palm Society (SFPS) E-mail list

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