SFPS General Meeting – FEB. 7th – “Updates on UF Palm Research” Dr. Mica McMillan

SFPS General Meeting – FEB. 7th – “Updates on UF Palm Research” Dr. Mica McMillan

SFPS General Meeting – February 7, 2022

Dr. MICA McMILLAN (Assistant Professor of Palm Horticulture at UF-IFAS in Ft. Lauderdale) 

“Updates on UF Palm Research”

Meeting will include a potluck and plant auction, contributions from member’s kitchens & gardens. 

Current and future research will be discussed with a focus on nutrition, water quality, rooting, soil interactions, and innovative methods to determine treatment effects on palm health. The program will be followed by Q&A.

Dr. McMillan is the Assistant Professor of Palm Horticulture at the Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center. As a researcher in the agriculture, turfgrass and media industries, she focused on developing chemistries to improve plant and soil health. Dr. McMillan’s research will primarily focus on palm and ornamental plants from seed to establishment under a variety of environmental and edaphic conditions with emphasis on salinity tolerance, drought stress and nutrient uptake. Dr. McMillan earned her B.S. and M.S. from Auburn University and her Ph.D. from the University of Florida.

FEBRUARY 7th, 2022, 7:00 PM Speaker @ 7:30 PM

Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden

South Gate, Garden House

Masks mandatory as per Garden policy except when eating.

The Society will provide chicken, coleslaw, potato salad, sodas, + water, and we welcome you to add your favorite potluck treats to the mix.

Please consider bringing a plant for the auction, and make sure it is tagged with the binomial (scientific name).

General meetings are held on the first Monday of February, April, June, August, and October, with guest speakers at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden’s Garden House, doors at 7:00 pm, business & speaker by 7:30 pm. Use the South Entrance and walk through the stone & iron gate. Have a speaker suggestion for the Society? If so, please contact us

SFPS meets on the first Monday of every even-numbered month.

Dates for 2022:

February 7, 2022

April 4, 2022

June 6, 2022

August 1, 2022

October 3, 2022

December 5, 2022

Please sign up to our e-mail for updates and news.

The SFPS generally plans garden tours in the spring & fall. These events range from nurseries specializing in palms, to private residences, and other locations of interest to palm enthusiasts. 

SFPS’s (5) bimonthly meetings are open to non-members. The SFPS holiday in December is free to members, and guests may attend for $10. The party has traditionally featured a pot luck dinner, live auction, and silent auction.

Palm shows / sales are also coordinated along with traditional aspects of the Society. Thanks for your support, you mail sign up for the SFPS e-mail list at the bottom of this page, or via this link.

Attalea phalerata Photo: Joanna M. Tucker Lima, PhD

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